Friday, May 1, 2009

Ubel Blatt Vol.7 Ch.5

Ubel Blatt Vol.7 Ch.5, Alot of page spreads... Which means, very fast to read, and very kewl battle scenes... Translation was just as hard though...;p Especially with all those "Out of Bubble" text...
I thought it was time for the old Starwars joke...


Alternative Link:

Have fun...;p


  1. thank you so much for your releases... :)

  2. Thank you soooo much for picking it up again =)

    Looking forward to more releases-I kinda hope Ascheriit is defeated...=X

  3. I must know what happens next!

  4. Fastest releases ever!! Thanks a lot :P

  5. Would you like any help with the editing Mauzel?

  6. Thanks a lot for the fast release. Can't wait for the next chapter.

  7. thanx dude for such fast releases
    luv u muaaaaah

  8. 5 chapter is 4 days, damn cool :)

    can't wait till the next one is up :)

    will you do v8 or suvi?

  9. woah that was fast!!! Thank you very much!!!
    I hope it'll be a draw ;A; Or at least the secret of Koinzell being Ascherit will spread ;A;
    So anxiously awaiting the next chapter!! thank you so much once again!!

  10. awesome job man. thanks a lot for this fast scanlation.

  11. From what I know suvi is doing Vol 8, that being said. some folks on anime suki complaing the release are too fast. so maybe a new one every 2 to 3 days. Can't say that is for sure yet and it's still up to suvi and mauzel.

  12. Oh yeah you can also join our chats on the One Manga Site under the Ubel Blatt forum

  13. too fast? i don't know about you, but i believe the faster is better =P usually i give up on mangas that takes too long to translate. i almost gave up ubel blatt when BLAH tok it over =X

    keep the good job man! youre awesome :)

  14. Well if you feel fast is good post something on One manga forum for suvi and tell him what you think.

  15. Wow, your speed is impressive. thx for another great chapter :)

  16. wow thanks a mill...keepit commin

  17. Good scanlations, esecially for your speed. Keep it up. Just a note, it's not Sklaveritter, it should be Sklavenritter (sorry, I'm german and it kind of bothers me).
    Thx for your great work up until now ;)

  18. lol dam i hit the sack right before u updated! Thx for the speedy releases, keep em comin! ;)

  19. Thanks for the scanlations, I really appreciate them!
    One detail I noticed (and I don't know Japanese, so I might very well be wrong): The second to last and the last page of the last scanlated chapter include two quotes of Koinzell's opponent which are virtually identical:
    "I guess it's about time to end this." and
    "About time for all of this to end..."
    I was just wondering whether you accidentally translated the same sentence twice and left one line out instead.

  20. @MondSemmel: They are similar, but not completely the same... the first one being he (Ikfes) is "ending" this fight", and the second one is the life of Koinzell will "end"... so In a way, it is separate meanings...

    @Slaanesh14509: The provided term for the slave knight is apparently Sklaveritter, which they actually have in the ending appendix of the volume... But I guess, along with other things in this series, we see that Japanese people are not good with German...;p

  21. yeah in japanese we say Doitsujin for german man and doitsugo for german lang and we think that is ok lol

  22. Damn, you're fast. Thanks for the extremely fast releases!
