Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ubel Blatt Vol.7 Ch.1

Ubel Blatt Vol.7 Ch.1 Done, Enjoy!

Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/yy1jx4novly/

Alternative Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YMHZFXFV


  1. hehe i am really Glad to hear you picked up the series ^_^.. can't wait for more releases from you..umm but the dl link is broken?...

  2. Hmm, it still works for me... here is another link, although its the same source, its without all the extra stuff:


    If you still have problem, let me know.

  3. ahh it works now thank you ^^..
    and umm if you mind me asking?...
    but is there few chapters left in volume 6 thats not scanlated? will you do it or SUVI will do it?
    Thanks again ^^...

  4. Hi there Mauzel, my name is dink and I'd really like to get in touch with you in one form of way or another outside of comments. (Be it email or a messenger) No, this isn't a spambot or any gay advertising or whatever. xP
    It's regarding Ubel Blatt, and your contributions to this community. :)
    Umm, well if it's cool with you I was wondering if I can get your email address or something.

  5. Hi Mauzel, I left you a message on one manga site but i'll leave one here as well. I want to know if you mind if put your scans up on manga fox. If you don't mind Let me know. Also since I did read v6 allrdy I read your chapter and it is good. Keep up the good work

  6. @ Gintoki - Suvi will be doing Vol6, I'll be mostly focusing on Vol7, so if you dont want the plot to be ruined... you'll have to wait until Suvi finishes...
    @ Whoa - My contributions are completely selfish, since my sole goal is to get the project up to Vol.9, so I can find out exactly what happened...
    and I was just wondering what is the reason for you needing to get in touch of me? Anywho, my email is AppleMauzel@gmail.com
    @ Phlip - Same answer as the one I gave on Onemanga...;p have fun...

  7. Ah, well it's not like I'm here to berate you or anything about you being "selfish" or anything. Because if that was really the case then I'm sure you and Suvi wouldn't have bothered translating and typesetting over them in the first place. The thing I'm wondering is that.. wouldn't it just be a lot faster if you guys all just worked with Null? Null has a pretty dedicated staff, and I think one of the guys over there told me they just needed a translator or two to speed up the Ubel Blatt releases. Just a friendly suggestion though. :S

  8. That does make sense... but then again, finals are coming up and i am not sure myself how much time I can truly allot to scanlating stuff. It beats playing games, but then again, having an actual schedule set in place when working with someone would be quite a strain.

  9. I'm actually acquainted with one of the guys over at Null, and I'm sure that they're pretty liberal about how their translators work and how their scripts are turned in so I don't think you have much to worry about there. :) If it's of any interest to you, and Suvi... maybe I can rearrange a meeting with you guys and Null so that way we can get a more concerted effort doing one project.

  10. Download link dont work for me :/
